Thursday, January 31, 2013

Things I Hate !

Things I Hate
  1.   Colds !! Who would like to be sick for 5 to 7 days. Yeah said no one EVER !!!
  2. Toys with little pieces to it because my OCD can not handle it so serious ! I think I may need therapy for this.
  3. Helicopter parents ! Enough said !
  4. When you go to find a songs to fill up your ipod before a trip then stare at itunes trying to think of all the songs you wanted to put on there and just stare because you totally can't think of one.
  5. When you go to the bathroom and when you are done you then realize and only then that you are out of T.P. and no one is home. I fail at this a lot.
  6. People that go on and on how awesome their kids are while their kids are in the conner picking their cute awesome nose. Yeah my kids are fucking rock stars I just choose to brag over the phone so you can't see them dancing like fairies to Taylor Swift.
  7. After a night of drinking with friends when you wake up and realize how annoying you really were and promising yourself not to do it next time and yet the next time you did it again. If I would get out more without kids maybe it wouldn't happen as much.
  8. Drama !
  9. My clumsiness ! I wish I was Graceful but, I really am not !
  10. Laundry because it never ends
  11. Milk ! I won't drink anything that comes from a tit !! To me it is a form of lesbian. I don't like it don't want to can't make me and I puke at the sight of it my kids drink almond milk when the hubby is away bc that is how this momma rolls.
OK that is all I can think of right now. What are some of the things you hate ?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Busy, Busy, and more busy !!

So I have so been slacking on here ! The truth be told by the time I sit down at night I am just to tired :( Also I need a new computer this one is on it's way out so it makes it even more of a pain to post because it won't let me upload photo's.
Anyways I just thought I would check in and make sure nobody thinks I am dead. I have two days until my last baby turns 1 !!! :(

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First Day of School !

 Well, a Week ago marked the official start of school ! I thought I would be a lot more excited then I really was. I mean I finally have two kids in school full time !! Hello trips to the store, cleaning the house, cooking, anything really will be ten times easier ! So why the frown Charlie Brown ? Well I always start out with best of intentions of how i will get up a little before them and check the weather, go to the bathroom , check email you know the fun stuff. By the end of the first month I am a slacker ! Ugh it happens every time. Notice it took me over a week to write this blog post really what's up with that ?? Anyone have something that helps them keep on track ??

Friday, August 31, 2012

The Waiting Game

   Right now is a waiting game for us and I have no patience  what so ever ! I have never been patient when it comes to certain things in life. I am currently waiting for a couple of things.

  1.     I am waiting to get a new vehicle so that I can go places on my schedule instead of everyone else.
  2.      I am waiting to build are savings so that I may move out of my in-laws before I become all homicidal and end up in jail. I don't want to be jail bait !
  3.      I am waiting for school to start so that Brooke and Jax's stop fighting. Well let's be honest they won't stop fighting but, at least I won't have to hear it for 8 hours.
  4.       I am waiting for one sister-in-law to grow up and one sister-in-law to pull the stick out of her ass and stop being a baby. Although I highly doubt either will ever happen one can wish.
 That should do it for now I have more but, let's see if any of these pan out for me first before we get all crazy.
   Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend !

Thursday, August 30, 2012

About Me

       For anyone who is reading this blog here is a little bit about me ! I have a wonderful husband ( okay maybe not wonderful that can be misleading. ) Who is gone more then he is home for his job. That is why I named this blog The Single Mom with a Husband because basically that is how I feel some days. My Husband and I tend to do everything in life backwards and the hard way. We met on Labor Day weekend in 2002 two months later I was pregnant with my first child at 22 ! It was so not planned and very unexpected. So we moved in together and and began life, while trying to get to know one another. Let's just say it was a learning experience for us ! We didn't even have a cat or dog to practice raising before the real deal happened !! I was working then because we were just starting out and I enjoyed my job. Then 9 months later on August 11th 2003 we had are daughter Brooklyn Grace who is one of the best things that has ever happened us.

Then when Brooklyn was 19 months old we started trying for our second child we wanted to have them close together ( Let's be honest I wanted to use all the baby stuff that we had so I could get rid of it. ) I also had baby fever. We tried for a month and behold I was knocked up again ! Then 9 months later came Jaxon Cole on January 23rd 2006. Their were complications with his birth. So we didn't know if we would have another child. At that point we just had too much on our plates. I was still working full time. The hubs was working two jobs and just too further complcate things we were living with my in-laws because we were building a house. So another kid at that time was the about the farest thing on our minds. Life was crazy and busy but, it was good and we were happy.

Then life got hard and we had to wake up from dreamland and live in reality. About 18 months later I lost my job which we had talked about me staying home but, I just wasn't ready and didn't know if we could do it. So there I was at home taking care of the kids and the house and trying to be domestic and failing miserably. While the hubs worked two jobs. One day in March it all came crashing down around us. My Hubs real Dad passed away unexpectedly. The Husband that I married died that day as well. Aaron ( the husband ) began drinking and spending most nights at the bar while I was at home raising are two kids and trying to act like everything was okay when it clearly was not. After 2 years I had enough and gave him his options. He now walks the straight and narrow and he is back to being the person that I fell in love with but, the damage financially was already done and we lost our home that we built and his dad helped build. So back down to the in-laws ( they live on the same road we lived on. ) who had room for us.   We chose to live their vs. moving our kids from the school that they go to. We f*** up not them. At the time we were moving I realized that I was late and figured was stress I mean the last few years have been so stressful. Nope because that is just not my luck !! So 9 months later Piper Easton was born on January 6th 2012. Although having three kids is great I did not want any more surprises so I got neutered. 

Now things are looking up for and great things lie ahead and I will be writing about all the wonderful and not wonderful things that happen along this sometimes bumpy path we call life ! :)


Here we go !!!

Well here we go I have decided to start a blog it is something I have wanted to do for awhile for a couple of reasons.
  •    My kids are growing up way to fast and since I lose everything of importance ( Birth Certificate's, SS Cards, Wedding Licence, Driver's Licence. I have lost all of these at some point or another.) I have yet to lose a computer and files on the computer.
  • I don't want to write long post on Facebook well that's a whole other issue in itself.
  • I thought I would try something out of my comfort zone. I am putting it all out there. My mouth will have no filter on here like it does in real life.